Sales Kits & Collateral

The top 20% of all sales people today, are the ones that are most prepared. These sales people have everything they need to help their customer and to answer all their questions. As a business owner, it is important to make sure that your sales people have the best representation of your business, and your businesses services.

A stat that is often missed is the number of sales that are not closed. Your customer’s first impression from a customer, often comes from the branding in its sales kits. By starting your sales cycles with a well designed sales materials, you are instilling confidence not only in your company, but also in the presenting sales person.

Design plays a huge part in this, as it also matters how well your company’s data is laid out. Even the best sales people may have sales trouble, if they do not have the correct tools. We want to help you build a tool box that will push your company to its highest possible level of prosperity.


Client: Central Business Systems


Sales Kit Project:

Design and printing for 4-page sales brochure and kit folder.