1. The 10X Rule – Grant Cardone
Many entrepreneurs have no idea the amount of action that needs to be taken to really be successful. Not taking enough action can lead to quick failure and leave you flat on your face. In this book, Cardone explains just the amount of action you need to take to get your business to the next level and where to direct your energy in order to really see success and not wasted action in your business. Our top motivational pick!
2. The Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin
Most businesses don’t last because there is nothing remarkable about them — they do not stand out in the crowd and so can be easily forgotten. In this book, marketing expert Seth Godin details precisely types of customers your business will be exposed to and what you need to do in order to be remarkable to each. Indispensable!
3. Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator – Ryan Holiday
What if you knew the unpublished rules to the world of getting online publicity? In this book, Ryan Holiday details just how the world of getting PR online works and how to use the tool to your advantage. After reading this one, you’re no longer an outsider, and know just what can get your pitch accepted and your brand noticed. Not to be missed!
4. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuk
Social media is just that: social. Most digital entrepreneurs have no clue how to communicate in the online space and speak their message so it’s not just heard, but actually received. In this book, VaynerMedia founder, Gary Vaynerchuk details the exact steps to take in your social media programs. He also covers what content drives real interest and how your business should be presented in social media to engage your audience.
A must read!
5. The One Thing – Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
Focusing on too many things at once? That may be the exact reason that your marketing is not sticking and you’re left pulling your hair out. In this book Gary Keller and Jay Papasan explain just how to figure out which actions are getting the most results, and how to find the one thing that you need to focus on the most in order to get your foot on the gas peddle and drive expansion.
Can you think of more of these which didn’t make our cut?
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