
Are You Willing to Be Successful in Your Marketing?

Are You Willing to Be Successful in Your Marketing? As business owners struggle to get ahead of the competition and work to expand, they will inevitably run into barriers — this is a natural part of the game. Some of these challenges can be formidable, but successful...

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The 14 Top-Recognized Logos

14 Top-Recognized Logos — and the Stories Behind Them  Companies that know their Marketing 101 make it a priority to have a brand that is recognized above all others. In the last century, there are a few brands that have risen to the highest echelon — broad global...

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10 Brand Names that Became the Product Themselves

10 Brands that Became Themselves Many brand names are actually the words that we use to call other brands in the space. They have become so successful that they not only transcend the space, but they have become the "generic name" for all similar products. Need a...

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5 Musts for Creating Search-Friendly Content

5 MUSTS For Creating Search-Friendly Content 1. Know Your Audience and Learn to Think as They Do Since Google's Hummingbird algorithm update, Google now thinks in questions. In our previous post, Improving Search Rank: A History of Google Updates we mentioned that due...

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Improving Search Rank: History of Google Updates

Improving Search Rank: History of Google Updates Let's face it — Google is the Internet, and businesses can no longer avoid playing by their rules because they own the playing field. According to Net Market Share, as of April 2016 Google accounts for 71% of all...

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Why Do You Need Social Media?

Why You Need a Digital Brand! Why should anyone care about your brand? If you've never asked yourself this question before, then there may be a reason that you are in the position that you are. Especially in this day and age of so much digital media, there is noise...

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Case Study: Dentists on Madison

PROJECT CASE STUDY Re-Branding and Marketing a Dental Practice Branding and marketing a business concern from scratch is one of the most exciting and rewarding opportunities a design and marketing agency can be awarded with. The challenge of coming up with the best...

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Welcome to our brand new website!

Welcome to our brand new website! ClearImages Design has gotten more than just a face-lift— we've revamped our corporate identity to reflect the marketing services we offer in addition to graphic design. Over the years the industry has changed a lot, and we've been in...

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